Do your investment Targets or PortCos use or produce proprietary software?

Sabio’s Q∙of∙C™ code analysis service empowers investors with detailed / code-level information designed to reduce risk, improve outcomes, manage maintenance and development costs and provide RWI transparency.


Why should investors care about Q∙of∙C™?

“Without understanding a Company’s proprietary software, investors cannot reliably align Company Spend and Risk Mitigation with their Deal Thesis


Mitigate Business Risk

  • Meet Deal Thesis functional requirements:  don’t miss a market opportunity window or lag behind competitors.

  • Prevent security breaches that could impact reputation, damage market opportunity, or incur financial loss.

  • Ensure all open-source and commercial components are licensed appropriately: eliminate legal and financial risk.

  • Provide data-driven evidence for the RWI process.


Minimize Unplanned Expenses

  • Understand where additional spend may be required.

  • Optimize maintenance costs for developer staff and vendors: focus additional spend on clear targets.

  • Prioritize reduction of technical debt and evolve software functionality to meet Deal Thesis requirements.

  • Understand skills, competency, and workload of each developer: profile efficacy of entire dev team.


How is Sabio Different?


We do NOT outsource code analysis to a 3rd party

  • All technical analysis and results curation / interpretation are done in house

  • Analysis is ALWAYS done within the context of your asset’s overall technical architecture and your Deal Thesis

Your Target or PortCo is NOT required to share source code access

  • Our industry leading analysis platform analyzes source code and provides Sabio with results without sharing actual source code

  • IP concerns are mitigated, and logistics are greatly simplified

We interpret data collected and provide actionable information aligned to your Deal Thesis

  • Results are evaluated by one of Sabio’s Chief Architects

  • Observations and recommendations are always customized to your Target or Portco.

  • Results are curated, interpreted and presented in actionable, business-oriented language: NO GEEK SPEAK!

  • Along with executive and management presentations, you always receive currated raw data that can be leveraged by your dev team

We provide a dedicated Q∙of∙C™ Portal for you that includes:

  • Detailed procedures for set-up and execution of scan by your Target or PortCo

  • Secure data communications for transmission of scan results: just like you rely on VDRs to secure deal data


Q∙of∙C™: Best in Class Software Analysis


Our proprietary platform leverages a wide array of proven commercial and open source analysis tools

Proprietary correlation across tools provides a robust view of:

  • Code quality

  • Code security

  • Development team efficacy / efficiency

  • Licensing compliance and open-source license exposure

Q∙of∙C™ evaluates a Company’s code base relative to constantly evolving industry “standards” and best practices.


Getting started is easy

Sabio’s proven Q∙of∙C™ service is simple to execute yet powerful in results



  • Comprehensive analysis of proprietary software to include code quality, security, licensing, and development team

  • 1-2 hrs effort required by Target or PortCo

  • 2 week turnaround time

  • Detailed results (code level), curated KPIs, Technology Balance Sheet, and investor oriented observations / recommendations


Annual Subscription

  • Requires initial “Diligence” analysis

  • Annual subscription w/3 scans per year

  • Time based trend analysis to provide

    • Development roadmap status / tracking

    • Dev team optimization analysis

    • Deal Thesis track validation



Learn how you can get started

Call us at: (512) 814-8612

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